Diamonds combined with the Sapphires are amongst the most top rated choices amongst the diamond jewellery lovers but, have you ever known about some of the existing myths about this jewellery and especially the sapphire gemstones?
If not, let’s have a look!
Myths about Sapphire
- A Sapphire will always be blue
It is believed that Sapphire means a blue stone. But, the truth is that this stone appears in a number of other colours and these colours are mainly due to the presence of micro impurities in the stone.
- Sapphire has the power to reverse the fortune
Sapphires are mythologically believed to turn the pages of fortune, however, this was actually believed during the medieval times.
- Sapphires aren’t durable
Sapphires score 9/10 on the Mohs scale( the scale of a marking a gemstones ability to withstand a scratch). This nowhere makes it a less durable gemstone.
- Sapphires attract bad luck
It has been a belief that the stone brings back bad luck as it is used as the manifestation of Lord Shani/Saturn. If the gemstone doesn’t suit the person wearing it, it may bring bad luck for them.
These myths are more from the old to medieval times since the people from those times believed in the same. However, today the times have changed and people are seen wearing and flaunting Sapphires in full flow. In fact, Sapphires combined with diamonds are one of the trendiest jewellery forms being loved by the jewellery lovers.
Exclusive Sapphires or in combination with diamonds can be one of the best jewellery gift for ladies. The longevity and the classic show combined in this type of jewellery form delivers to remain one of the top choices amongst women even today.